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Showing posts from April, 2020

Why not give it a think! Less is new more.

Here I present a few of my thoughts about leading a life with exactly what is necessary. May it be your work, food, hobby, shopping, social media, home decors; Especially in this era we were driven to get more of everything in life. Let’s ponder more as this can be the best time to do so. Online/direct shopping: “Wohoo! it’s the salary day and let me buy something that makes me happy!”. But do we not shop all other days? (Yes , we do but this is for extra happiness :P). But many such things go useless in less than a month. Example: a badly fitted dress that felt so good when we bought it. Let’s ask ourselves a question is this a necessity or a luxury when we wish to buy something. You will definitely get a clear answer from within. And just follow what your heart says. Make a new discipline to keep some money aside for charity every month, this can give more purpose to the money earned that month. Food : Food has now become one of the stress-burster rather than a must have