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Why not give it a think! Less is new more.

Here I present a few of my thoughts about leading a life with exactly what is necessary. May it be your work, food, hobby, shopping, social media, home decors;
Especially in this era we were driven to get more of everything in life. Let’s ponder more as this can be the best time to do so.
Online/direct shopping:
“Wohoo! it’s the salary day and let me buy something that makes me happy!”. But do we not shop all other days? (Yes , we do but this is for extra happiness :P). But many such things go useless in less than a month. Example: a badly fitted dress that felt so good when we bought it. Let’s ask ourselves a question is this a necessity or a luxury when we wish to buy something. You will definitely get a clear answer from within. And just follow what your heart says. Make a new discipline to keep some money aside for charity every month, this can give more purpose to the money earned that month.
Food has now become one of the stress-burster rather than a must have for survival. We eat when we are bored, we eat when we feel stressed, we eat when we are happy, we go to restaurant when we feel to get together with friends or family. But end of the day we google how to lose weight :P. Eat mindfully with without tv, mobile & chit chatting. We can bring down the quantity day by day. If we can reduce going to big super markets, we shall start buying only what is necessary. Buy one snack less than before, with one small step at time we can do our part in not wasting food.
Information overloaded:
Internet has made so powerful of knowledge about every little thing on this universe. But do we really draw a line of limiting how much is required? In a day how many of such instances happen where we wanted to know something and we end up loading ourselves with so much that we truly don’t need. Can we try clicking on laptops or phone more consciously than before? May be this small thing can make a big difference.
